Gastric Pain and Diarrhea after Breakfast

This morning I felt a pain that needed a medicine. Few minutes after eating my breakfast, I experienced a gastric pain that was intense that I took a Buscopan Plus tablet. It was accompanied by a diarrhea in which I spent more time in the rest room.

Then, I realized that I stayed late and slept around 2am, which came to a further realization that I did not eat a midnight snacks/meal. This was the advise that was given to me by my doctors that if and when I stay late, I must eat.

Nestle Cerelac Toddler – Choco Joy

cerelac toddler - choco joy

We arrived home late and I stayed additional hours on the computer. Then I felt some stomach discomfort, I was hungry. Since there’s no one left at home, there was no cooked food. I opened the refrigerator to checked for any food that can be eaten without cooking. But I saw none. I only noticed the Gatorade that I left yesterday and I did drink it.

But I was still hungry. I need something to eat but it was almost 1 am and everyone was sleeping.

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